Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Report on Local Establishments, Depressed Mattresses and The Like

I've successfully completed my first load of laundry here on the apartment premises, which uses a prepaid card system rather than quarters, so the task is a feat of sorts for first timers. Apparently the card system is fairly widespread down here; my co-worker's old apartment used the same thing. In any case, I feel like that solidifies my residency here. And I like it.

I tried out the local grocery chain, Frys, today (it seems to be Tucson's equivalent to Rosauers in Spokane, although slightly more modern in inside appearances). Although I didn't have a membership card, I managed to buy about eight items for under $12, so I'm not entirely sure I didn't rob them, but no one chased after me, so... I suppose that means I'm going back there next time! :)

Another local 'gem' is Eegee's. It's much like Subway, as far as I can tell, except that it was founded in Tucson and it offers overly sugary iced drink concoctions (one called an 'eegee,' another called a 'teagee.' Barf on the cheesiness). In any case, there is one located just two businesses down from us at work, so I've wasted a good chuck of money on it so far. The food is good, to be sure, but I'm alarmed at how MANY of them are around! They seem to be the Starbucks of Tucson - you can't go two blocks without seeing another one! A true Tucson obsession.

I'm continually disappointed with the lack of fashion consciousness Tucsonians employ (is that the right reference for people who live in Tucson?). I saw two people (TWO!) today walking around in PAJAMAS. Really, people. Disappointing.

I am still very content with my apartment. Unfortunately, my air mattress has been feeling a bit homesick lately and is not happy at all about the move. It seems to have been afflicted with a Marvin-like depression; much like the downcast robot in 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,' it simply does NOT find any satisfaction in any productive activity; namely being inflated and staying inflated. It fights with me on a DAILY basis in this regard. Inflating it has become an activity I need to budget a good five or ten minutes for - I know! Absurd. In any case, I think I'm going to start calling it Marvin.

Well, I hope this finds you all well. It sounds like Washington is getting colder and colder by the day. Is the snow in the mountains sticking yet?

Much love!


  1. It was 74 and beautiful and sunny in Portland today! You should have seen the sunshine coming through the fall leaves... gorgeous day.
    Give Marvin my regards.

  2. SUnny, but cold here. No snow yet, but the weather is supposed to turn a bit next week. We'll keep you posted on the snow :)
