Greetings! I’ve got a cup of amazing brew near my hand and an Arizona sunrise in view, so things are looking up. It’s also my first day off, which sure doesn’t detract. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from the apartment place (I believe because it’s awfully hard to get an answer out of both my previous landlord and previous employer via fax; I advised the apartment personnel to call the offices instead, but we’ll see). However, I still hold hope that I’ll get the okay to move in later today.
Until then, I plan on shopping! Sounds like a good use of a day off, right? Oh, and I’ve been meaning to put my sisters’ concern to rest – please don’t worry, not only do they have Ross here, they have TONS of locations. I know, close one, right?
I also hope to go on a walk this morning. I took another short walk last night to catch some of the sunset. It’s fairly flat here (save for the mountains, of course), but I’m determined to find a vantage point from which to see more of the area.
To revisit an earlier entry, I’ve come across a few more personalized license plates worth sharing. Most are up-lifting, if not inspirational, such as ‘EMAGINE’ and ‘TGOODTB.’ Once in a while, though, you find something a bit concerning: ‘WKUPNOW.’
A week ago today was my first full day in town. It feels like I’ve been here a LOT longer than that. I’ve already fell into a routine, and the Wise’s dogs love me like their own now (which is good in some ways, but the excessive slobber sure isn’t a perk ;). The first two days I had to use Google maps to get myself to and from work (which is kinda funny, if you ask me), but I’ve got the route memorized now. I even know the area of the fruit stand fairly well already.
I’m very excited about how well the fruit stand is doing so far. And my goodness, I love being around all this delicious food! We’re building up our inventory day by day, as Randy makes more and more local connections. So far we’ve got: apples (many varieties), sweet corn, potatoes (several varieties), tomatoes, d’anjou and bosc pears (SOOO good), bell peppers, garlic, squash (many varieties), red and yellow onions, green beans, cucumbers, oranges, lemons, peanuts and jalapenos. Although I had to take a sabbatical from the Fancy Paper Plate Club in order to take this trip, I think we could say I’m using the trip to conduct ‘research,’ and I plan on coming back with loads of additional knowledge regarding food and food preparation.
I haven’t done a lot in the way of seeing the sights yet, but I’m starting to compile a list of interesting things to check out. Unfortunately, the local derby league website doesn’t show any upcoming bouts – that would’ve been fun to see. However, there is something called Biosphere 2, located about 15 miles past the Wise’s house, that sounds rather interesting, as well as several microbreweries that come highly recommended by my co-worker: Nebulous and Mario. I hope to check both of those out soon.
Here are a few more photos for you to enjoy. Oh, and please keep the hair dye vote going – so far ‘mermaid green streaks’ is winning by a total of two votes (which was
almost ‘mermaid green steaks’…). Although I’m leaning toward the ‘bright red’ option, I’m willing to do which ever wins – so please make your vote count! (Are we sure blue streaks wouldn’t be cooler than green? I don’t want to look like I have fungus growing in my hair…) :)
Love you all! And thanks for commenting. I love getting news!